The A2FO ensures the production of hollow extrusion blow molding parts. A great fluidity and a speed of execution which rhyme with quality and precision is put at your disposal.

Mastering this process for over 20 years, we are able to produce bottles with all kinds of thermoplastic used in blowing extrusion. The parts produced in our blow molding workshop are mainly bottles intended for customers working in cosmetics and parapharmaceuticals.


The production is done in our blowing extrusion workshop, we procure the raw material on the local and international market from serious and certified suppliers. We also accept to be supplied by the customer himself.

With us, your mold is treated and maintained regularly by our tooling and maintenance service. We take care of maintenance and minor repairs.

The mold is machine-assembled according to the rules and developed by our experienced and trained adjusters.


A quality service is mobilized for the smooth running of the production process and permanent control of the produced pieces.

A2FO is certified ISO 9001 version 2015.